What's the deal with Windows vs Linux anyway?

oh, we're already writing a rant post, this website's not gonna last very long is it ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

anyway, lets get straight to the point:

Windows is not a good OS for people who wanna do stuff with code.

How can i say that? Well, I'm writing this on a Windows machine right now. My introduction to computers was through Windows, and I've used Windows for almost all my time spent with computers.

until about two years ago, all i knew about code was some html we were taught in middle school that we wrote in notepad (not even notepad++, now i think the school just liked seeing kids suffer). For me back then, linux was this cool little thing on the horizon that people use to run servers, but windows was pretty good for me.

Then, I decided to get into programming.

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